Illimani Summit Elevation:  6462 m Latitude:                 16.654°S  Longitude:              67.784°W El Illimani with 6,462 meters is a mountain  in Bolivia, located near the city of La Paz,  and is the highest mountain in the  Cordillera Real. El Illimani is an enormous  mass of more than 8 km long and four  peaks exceeding 6,000 meters. These run  from northwest to southeast, and one is the  last Nevado of the Cordillera Real from  north to south. The Illimani was formed by  the pressure of tectonic plates and is  composed of plutonic rocks (granodiorite  and monzonite) with an age of between 208  and 23 million years.  Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar HOME click on pictures to enlarge Photo: Rolf Cosar Google earth Photo: Klaus Paetsch