Stromboli  Elevation: 924m  Latitude: 38.789°N  Longitude: 15.213°N  Spectacular incandescent nighttime explosions at this volcano have long attracted visitors to the  "Lighthouse of the Mediterranean." Stromboli, the NE-most of the Aeolian Islands, has lent its name  to the frequent mild explosive activity that has characterized its eruptions throughout much of  historical time. The small, 924-m-high island is the emergent summit of a volcano that grew in two  main eruptive cycles, the last of which formed the western portion of the island. The Neostromboli  eruptive period from about 13,000 to 5000 years ago was followed by formation of the modern  Stromboli edifice. The active summit vents are located at the head of the Sciara del Fuoco, a  prominent horseshoe-shaped scarp formed about 5000 years ago as a result of the most recent of  a series of slope failures that extend to below sea level. The modern volcano has been constructed  within this scarp, which funnels pyroclastic ejecta and lava flows to the NW. Essentially continuous  mild strombolian explosions, sometimes accompanied by lava flows, have been recorded for more  than a millennium (Global Volcanism Program).                                           click on photos to enlarge Photo: Ulla Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Ulla Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar HOME Stromboli, Sept. 1983 September 1983