The Wingertsbergwand is a wall up to 30 m high. One can  reconstruct on the basis several Tephrasequences that the  enormous outbreak of the Laach lake volcano here is unique.The  Tephra deposits at the Wingertsberg is typical for so-called Pliniani  eruptions - explosive outbreaks which promote large quantities of  volcanic ash. With the rocks in the Wingerts-bergwand concerns  around deposits out of glow avalanches and the products of  volcanic ashtray gene. The Tephra is particularly in the lower part  richly at large foreign rock inclusions, in particular at basalt in  addition, at devonic basement.The deposits from glow avalanches  are irregularly and fibrously laminated, and show internal structures  which point to a rapid transport. One observes strong, rapidly  changing grain size differences, with a general trend to a finer grain  size in the recent deposits. The fine sediments of Tuff in the highest  layers represents still the days after the outbreak raining ash  particle.(  Eifel Wingertbergwand Location: 50.23 ° N, 7.16° E Elevation: 310 m Google Earth Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar Photo: Rolf Cosar   06.11.03 HOME